Contents of the /Wells Fargo/Preliminary Approval/SUB17-007/ folder

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Name KB Type Date
Exhibit 4- Site Photos N/A Directory 7/11/2022
exhibit 1- plan set 12-4-2017.pdf 4961K PDF File 12/21/2017
exhibit 2- mi-84-01-02 short plat.pdf 387K PDF File 9/26/2017
exhibit 3- affidavit of mailing and posting.pdf 474K PDF File 9/26/2017
exhibit 5- project narrative.pdf 18798K PDF File 5/9/2017
exhibit 6- title report.pdf 170K PDF File 5/10/2017
exhibit 7- development application.pdf 538K PDF File 5/23/2017
exhibit 8- public notice of application.pdf 376K PDF File 6/9/2017
shoreline exemption letter 8000 se 20th st.pdf 582K PDF File 10/26/2017
staff report sub17-007 12-26-17.pdf 565K PDF File 12/21/2017